Monday, July 30, 2012

Latest Update

Mom has recently transferred to a different doctor and is currently receiving radiation treatment for her cancer. We are praying that these treatments will remove the cancer that is currently causing her pain. After the radiation is over she will start on a medicine that we pray will cure all of her cancer. Please pray that she continues to gain strength and weight during and after her radiation treatments so that she is ready for her next medicine.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Mom has had a touch of pneumonia the past few days and has been on antibiotics, but they have not been working very well. Please pray that the new antibiotic that they just put her on will work to cure the pneumonia. Thanks for all your prayers.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rehab Update

Currently, Mom is in a rehabilitation center where the goal every day is to strengthen her and to help her heal. A big recently answered prayer is that her local oncologist received approval to treat her close to home with a new drug. Please pray that she continues to gain strength before her treatment starts.